Rovel Stars

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 25-10-2022

We collect basic information about you, like your IP address, and your browser information.

We store your user data like Username, Bio and other account information when you sign up to any of our services.

We use this information to provide you with a better experience, and to monitor & improve our services.

Third Party Products Like Google Analytics, Cloudflare and other services that we use has their own Privacy Policy, please read them too.

We do not "sell" your information to any third party. Your information will be shared only with the third party applications/services that you authorize to. Their respected privacy policy governs their use of your information.

We do not share your information with any third party, unless we are required to do so by law.

We store the information that you provide to us, like your email address, username, password, etc. IP address, Location are temporarily stored (not identificable though) on our logs, and they are removed periodically everyday.

We do not store any payment information, like your credit card number, or your bank account number.

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